Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today's the Day


1 comment:

tnash said...

Today the country will elect Obama. While I am none too pleased with it, he'll be my President too. I will give him the ultimate benefit of the doubt.

Change and hope and all these other nice/strong words are great. Now it's time for action. I'll give the man and his team ample time. But you can bet your a$$, once he raises capital gains taxes, shuns the ability to own a private 401K, and Social Security and generally tries to cripple the small business owners, in favor of the ALL MIGHTY Gov't programs/jobs....I WILL REMIND YOU HOW POOR A CHOICE HE WAS and IS. When 35% of this country pays ZERO FEDERAL taxes, why would they care about a tax increase? That's scary.

I truly hope today ( but I doubt it) this country wakes up and gets rid of career politicians. Ted Stevens should be in jail, not running for senate. IF Barney Franks was in the private sector and the shit hit the fan like it did, while he was in charge...His ass would of been fired. ON THE SPOT. What does he get today? F*CKING re-elected by the uninformed.

WE need to get these career politicians out of office. They are destroying the fabric of this country. They aren't concerned about you and me. They want to be re-elected. IF these F*CKING CLOWNS pulled this sh*t in the private sector, they wouldn't have jobs.


* Secretily hope I put the BRET LOCK on OBAMA's Victory!