Those kids and everyone who considers themselves a Bulldog....Keep your heads HIGH. Ain't NOTHING to be ashamed about. F*Ck Duke, but they won fair and square. Butler defined what being a TEAM is all about. Sure it will sting for those players, as it should. But years from now, they'll look back with nothing but PRIDE.
They lost, but i'd like to meet any and all lunactics who would deem them losers.
We love ya Woody kid!
I was hoping that shot went in, panned the crowd, and we'd see Wood. Just shirt off, basking in the glory, fending the college girls off..... Maybe sneaky make out with one!
I feel ya. Effing Duke
Those kids and everyone who considers themselves a Bulldog....Keep your heads HIGH. Ain't NOTHING to be ashamed about. F*Ck Duke, but they won fair and square. Butler defined what being a TEAM is all about. Sure it will sting for those players, as it should. But years from now, they'll look back with nothing but PRIDE.
They lost, but i'd like to meet any and all lunactics who would deem them losers.
We love ya Woody kid!
I was hoping that shot went in, panned the crowd, and we'd see Wood. Just shirt off, basking in the glory, fending the college girls off..... Maybe sneaky make out with one!
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