Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Questions for NewYears.com - Best Of

"I'm over 40. Yes, I'm very cool. The crowd at this party - is it 20 year olds, sideways hats and finger formations?? Would La Notte be more appropriate for sophisticated, intelligent, dancing girls who find boxer shorts better inside the pants???? many thanks"

"If it says "open bar "does that mean i drink for free"

"Hi - I received an email that I'm suppsoed to pick up my tickets at "will call"? Does that mean someone will call me?"

"What is the dress code for this event. Jordans, timberlands, baggy jeans, muscle shirts w/ decals - will this work?"

"I'm a model. I plan bringing (3) of my models friends to your NewYears party. Can we buy tickets?"

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