Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh Really?

A MUST see clip that was on the Daily Show today.


tnash said...

JOhn Stewart

Another Liberal Hack


BH said...

Yeah....those are really biased.....ha!

Guy...u just cant handle your rightwing politcal pundits contradicting themselves again and again with video proof...


tnash said...


If you can't see past the SIMPLE fact that ALL PUNDITS contradict themselves, then you have lapped up Obama's shit more than I thought. Cause I could spend all day posting shit for you, like your boy Biden saying how terrible a choice Obama would be for President.

It's funny you can call out Republican Pundits/activist...but you take any liberal clowns out there comments as all fact. That is downright pathetic. You are so angry at Republicans and fired up for Obama, you aren't using your HEAD. You FEEL things, but aren't THINKING them through. I'm not saying you aren't intellegent and smart, but you are letting your heart speak, without consulting your Brain.

Both major parties do this. The quicker you realize that, the onslaught of berations by me, will fade away.


Anonymous said...

"Your letting your heart speak without consulting your brain"

HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!