Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday Almost There Post


We be A movin & that's way we like it. It's certainly been an interesting week thus far, with a slew of action going down. Monday. Started out @ a Vitamin Water / 50 Cent party, where a bunch of athletes & celebs were in attendance due to the MLB All-Star game. As luck would have it, I was standing next to Joba Chamberlin & David Wright... & of course needed to get a pic with NYC finest young gunz. I mean, that's a once in a lifetime shot & I was set on not letting it slip away. Fate however had different planz. The camera/ blackberry phone we used to take the picture was wayyyy to zoomed in & completely botched the photo (see above). Grrrrr. I wasn't gonna be that guy and ask for another photo, so I let just walked way and headed to the bar for a shot or (3). With the wind outta my sails, me & a crew headed over to the Michael Jordan / Derek Jeter party...tons of athletes and even more stunners in the house. Left the party at 3AM, & made my way back to the crib to get some shut eye before I had to wake up at 8 in the monin for an event I was producing Tuesday evening.

Tuesday. Wake up, get'er goin, & head down to the Hiro Ballroom for a Kimora Lee Simmons / JC Penney fashion show event. Before I get in the cab, I head to my local bodega and grab a coffee and paper, but with the sour taste left in my mouth from the Joba / Wright photto gaffe, I buy a $1 scratch off.. and what happens next? The Kid wins $100 bones. Hell Yeah. Now I'm feelin FINE. Get to the venue. Start working through things. Lunch time. I head down a few blocks past the Apple store and see the never ending line of people wating to get their hands on the new iPhone. Well, lucks been with me so far I think, lets see what else I can pull off today. With my shitty blackberry pearl phone pressed hard against my ear , I made my way through the doors, & up the stairs to be greeted by an Apple rep. "How I can help you?", he says. Uhhh...I'd like the new iphone peez I say.... "Well follow me"....and 15 min later, I had the new phone. NIIIICE! After that, everything got a wee bit hectic with event, but all's well that ends well. People had fun, client was happy. Check Mate!


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

You are WAY too cool Brother Heiman...


A. Flo

Anonymous said...

Walk in like we own the place.

Oh we don't own it?

Anonymous said...

Where is the PHISHY PHRIDAY?


Anonymous said...


But no " Friday Giddy"

" You are semi-good lookin'"

Think that tune will do.